Challenging Minds is registered with NDIS to provide behaviour support. Positive Behaviour Support is a comprehensive approach to assessment, planning and intervention that focuses on addressing the person’s needs, their home environment and overall quality of life. Positive Behaviour Support is about working with families, carers, formal and informal supports and educators to develop a shared understanding about why someone has a need to engage in challenging behaviour.

Whether a participants plan is agency, plan or self-managed, you can trust that Challenging Minds can provide effective behavioural support interventions. We also feel it is important to include, not exclude the people of whom someone feels is important in their life.

Specialist Behaviour Support provides specialised assistance and training to people with disability, their families and staff, where the needs of an individual are complex. Through experience, the use of both positive behaviour support and simple psychoeducational approaches addresses challenging behaviour, while maintaining a clear focus on quality of life. 

Restrictive practice.
Positive behavioural support is an alternative to restrictive practice. Challenging Minds will assess the most suitable approach, and where there may be a restrictive practice in place, to ensure that this is implemented in the safest possible way. Here at Challenging Minds, we are well versed with the positive behaviour support and restrictive practice rules (2018).

Other activities may include but is not limited to.

  • a thorough Functional Behaviour Assessment Interview (FBAI)
  • meeting with the participant face-to-face, their family, carers and supports
  • Completing a behaviour assessment and recommendations report
  • writing an interim and/or comprehensive behavioural support plan
  • providing training, guidance and support to assist in understanding the behaviours of concern;
  • implement strategies that aim to reduce the negative behaviours while building on positive behaviours.

Challenging Minds will consult with you and assess your situation and together we will develop an individualised plan that meets your needs.

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today!